Sunday, November 29, 2009

It's Been a While

It seems like a lot has been going on since I last posted in this blog! We're on to building websites now, and if I thought photography was challenging- boy, I was so wrong!

We're learning the fundamentals of Html and CSS in order to build a website as our last assignment. I'm still trying to figure out the difference between both types of codes, so I'm posting some research here for the sake of my sanity.

According to research and class notes, Html or hyper text markup language was originally created to format or to display the content of a page, for e.g., by using basic tags such as

to show a paragraph or to make text bold. It wasn't necessarily created to code complex design elements. Though these elements (like tables, for eg) can be created with html, it presents a challenge for the web designer who must then code each page separately in html, especially for very large websites. CSS, or cascading style sheets was the solution. With one page of CSS code multiple pages of html can be formatted and displayed according to a similar 'theme' of the website. Html therefore seems to deal with organizing content while CSS deals with the visual and stylistic elements.

My Website- Inspiration
I'm in the process of building my website. Here's a list of websites/graphics that are sources of inspiration:
  • Nubby Twiglet- like the typography and sharpness of layout. Also colour scheme.
  • American Apparel- Yes, everyone's got something to say about the controversial sex-driven clothing company, but they've got good models with great poses, as well as cool clothes. I'm incorporating some computer drawn and hand-coloured models on the front page of my site that will be inspired by the American Apparel aesthetic. Of course, with a twist that makes it uniquely mine. It's gonna be awesome!
  • Jasper Wong's portfolio- Like the colors, navigation, and style of artwork. Also simplicity of layout.

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